Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Joy Of A Run

When life hands you sour grapes, a difficult work schedule and other obstacles, that's when we can truly appreciate the benefits of a long run.

This post from the Run DMZ blog is a great reminder about how long runs can help us deal with the stress of our lives.

Quite honestly, any form of fitness you enjoy is a great way to help ease the stress in your life. Whether it's a long run, a yoga practice, a bike ride or whatever - take time to get active about controlling the pressure in your personal and professional life. It's a great form of therapy.


Anne said...

How is this for serendipity ... On my long run this morning I started wondering what our Coach may have posted this weekend, so one of the first things I did after arriving home was check. And, lo and behold, it featured *this.* Thanks for making my day!

Coachhrd said...

You have some good things to share!
Thanks for the comment.