Thursday, August 25, 2011

Doing Things Different

I've said many times it's important to keep our bodies guessing.

Strength, weight loss and other good things result when we do things our bodies don't expect. Otherwise, when we do the same things over and over again, our bodies get too efficient and we don't reap as much benefit from the exercise.

I tried something new a few weeks ago that was different and fun. I rode my bike to a fabulous park in our community that features a lake and a free Saturday morning yoga class. When I arrived, I swam several hundred yards, attended the yoga class and rode my bike home. I probably rode 22 miles in total.

The weather was great and I saw some friends there I hadn't seen in a while - an added bonus!

Sometimes it's worth it to push beyond the comfort zone a bit and expand our fitness horizons.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Good for you trying something new. I bet your body was happy too with the change of pace. Yoga in the park is a nice changeup, especially wedged between bike rides.