Monday, January 27, 2014

Maybe Just Do Half

As I read this post from "The Happy Runner" blog, I was reminded that doing a half marathon is a pretty challenging event.  It can also make you happy.
Here's what I mean . . . I wrote a couple of weeks ago about preparing for a marathon.  If you think you can complete a marathon, that's great.  But it is equally as great to set your sights on a goal that is perhaps not as lofty in a half marathon. This post from The Happy Runner points out some of the training elements of preparing for a half marathon.  It's nowhere near as grueling. Which makes for a happy runner!

I recently completed a half marathon that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I was certainly a bit sore afterword, but recovery came quickly.  If you're not up to putting yourself through a marathon, then maybe a half marathon is another great goal.

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