Are you serious about your training activities? Are you recording your activities in a log?
If “yes” to the first question, but “no” to the second; it’s time to start a training log.
It’s so easy to do this – I simply use a steno notebook, record the dates and log my activities for each day. I include mileage, times, how I feel, etc. Just a few things that will help me recreate the activities of the day so that I better know what I should schedule as I move forward. Through the way I use these notebooks, I can record up to two years of activities in one book.
You can get a little more technical with the recording of your training activities by consulting the web for a variety of tools. There are free tools and those available at a cost – check out http://tinyurl.com/cqspce for a look at some options.
Logs can be important for a variety of reasons. I believe it’s most important to have a log as a reference point to measure success. This is particularly effective if you’re looking to target certain times for an event, lose a certain amount of weight or gauge your recovery progress following a recent injury and beyond. Believe me, when you start to compete, you will want to be tracking your times more closely and a log is the best way to do it.
In my mind, keeping a training log is a “no brainer”. Some people actually use blogs to keep track of their training activities. This is a great strategy because you can share your training activities with others.
Check out this blogpost for more reflection on the importance of keeping a training log -- http://tinyurl.com/c4j594.
Coach, I am thankful for my logs of past years. Reminders of what worked, etc. I'm really relying on the blog more nowadays, though.
Great post
It's amazing how often I go back to my logs for different bits of information.
I love looking back at old training logs to see how I prepared for specific. It helps me do better next time.
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