Saturday, April 4, 2009

Run With Pace Group To Reach Goal

Running the Des Moines Half Marathon recently, I discovered the value in running with a “pace group” to help reach your goal time.

While we didn’t sign up for a group at the Des Moines event, a fellow running buddy and I decided to try and keep up with the 1:40 group as a way to help ourselves reach our goal of breaking 1:40 for the race. We were both able to reach our goal, which was a personal best for me in the half marathon event.

Most half marathon and marathon events have signups for pace groups like this one at the Carlsbad Marathon --

The following article will give you more insight as to the dynamics of running with a pace group in an event --

Here’s another post from Andrea Hill indicating the benefits of running with a pace group –

If you’re looking for that extra lift in your training to get you to a specific goal for an event that’s coming up, consider running with a pace group to give you that edge.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Great post! I have thought about doing this, but I'll need to enter a marathon that offers pace groups. My next one loks to be a smaller race so it'll be up to me.